Come along ! Free entry for the public
under current COVID-19 health regulations. REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE BELOW. |
DECLUTTER - RECYCLE - EARN SOME CASH Registrations close at 9am on 19 November 2021
Individual stall site includes 1 rectangular white laminated folding table on wheels (210cms/6.9 ft long x 75cms/2.5ft wide + 2 chairs). Bring own everything including hand sanitiser. Operate under current COVID-19 health regulations. Read Terms & Conditions on your application. Stall (own insurance-minimum $10 million cover). PRICE:$ 5.63
Stall (no insurance) Use PLEG’s Stallholder Insurance: non-commercial stallholders with no public & product liability insurance. PRICE: $10:75 Other (as arranged with organiser- PLEG).$0:00 Instruction to pay here: have your credit card ready
Select one stall type . In Quantity section, click on + . Select 1. Then Click on NEXT. Fill out the Application Form in that section. You will be taken to TryBooking (HTTPS secure, with an encrypted website connection). It does not store your full credit card number, only the last four digits are kept to show you which card you have used to make the booking. On payment, you will receive a receipt and confirmation email. Now go to the Ticket section below: |